Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A drink is what I need

This town was once much nicer. Oh, it is still a beautiful place to live, but in the last twenty years it has become a social wasteland. One cannot have a decent conversation with the average Berkeleyite.
Pretentiousness about food and politics has replaced the open-mindedness of the late sixties and early seventies, and a repulsive stodgy "we know everything better than you" quality has infected the discourse. Dare not disagree, lest the burgers of Berkeley gang up on you for not meeting THEIR definition of political or culinary correctness.

The University library remains one of the best in the world. This is due to the worthwhile books in several languages still being in brand-new condition, despite being decades old - neither students nor most of the faculty ever veer far into unknown territory. The ageless literature beckons, and responds with a grateful cracking sound when finally opened. The first visitor in years! Oh happy day!

A majority of the people in this burg quite likely have a copy of Remembrance of Things Past, The Bell Jar, and Israel: Peace not Apartheid. Or treasure on elderly copy of something by Tom Robins or Alice Wlaker.
The air of preciousness and sincerity is stifling.
But the view is splendid.

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